
Maternal and Child Health Network (MatCHNet) Webinar Series: Policy Evaluations in the Early Years

MatCHNet hosts online lunchtime webinars that showcase existing evaluations of policy in the early years and explore issues around using administrative data . This includes work in progress as well as completed projects from across the 4 UK nations. Presentations focus on evaluations of policies using routine and administrative data or secondary analysis of existing data. 

Recordings from Series 1-5 are available below.

Registration for Series 6 (Summer 2025) is now open - see links below.

A group of people standing around chatting.

Series 6: Summer 2025

Webinar 17

Date: Tuesday 10 June at 12.30pm

Topic: The impact of Sure Start Northern Ireland on health and social care

Speaker: Meng Le Zhang

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Webinar 18

Date: Tuesday 17 June at 12.30pm

Topic: Understanding associations between children’s housing and health using quantitative data

Speaker: Amy Clair

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Webinar 19

Date: Tuesday 24 June at 12.30pm

Topic: Evaluation of the UK Healthy Start Scheme

Speaker: Christina Vogel

Register now

Series 5: Autumn/Winter 2024

Webinar 14

Date: Tuesday 29 October at 12.30pm

Topic: Exploring the utility of routine perinatal mental health data for informing service provision: insights from the BiB4All cohort

Speaker: Hollie Henderson

Webinar 15

Date: Tuesday 26 November at 12.30pm

Topic: The BEBOLD platform – Australia

Speaker: Rhiannon Pilkington

Webinar 16

Date: Tuesday 17 December at 12.30pm

Topic: The impacts of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy on child health

Speaker: Jean Adams

Series 4: Winter/Spring 2024

Webinar 13

Date: Wednesday 20 March at 12.30pm

Topic: Identifying and responding to intimate partner violence in parents and children presenting to healthcare in the first 1000 days

Speaker: Shabeer Syed

Webinar 10

Date:  Thursday 25 January at 12.30pm

Topic: Unseen consequences? Unravelling the effect of welfare changes on child and maternal mental health

Speaker: Sophie Wickham

Webinar 11

Date: Thursday 22 February at 12.30pm

Topic: Using linked data to evaluate local early years programmes: insights from the LEAP partnership

Speaker: Gemma Luck

Webinar 12

Date: Thursday 29 February at 12.30pm

Topic: Linking to health care databases across Europe and the UK: results and recommendations from the EUROlinkCAT project

Speaker: Maria Loane

Series 3: Spring/Summer 2023

Webinar 7

Date: Wednesday 29 March at 12.30pm

Topic: Impact of the UK Healthy Start Voucher Scheme on maternal and infant health

Speaker: Ruth Dundas

Also available: NIHR report & podcast

Webinar 8

Date: Tuesday 25 April at 12.30pm

Topic: Challenges in evaluating health visiting for under 5s in England

Speakers: Jenny Woodman/Katie Harron

Webinar 9

Date: Tuesday 23 May at 12.30pm

Topic: Using the ECHILD database to explore variation in school-recorded SEN for children with major congenital anomalies

Speakers: Kate Lewis/Ruth Gilbert

Series 2: Spring/Summer 2022

Webinar 4

Date: Thursday 28 April at 12.30pm

Topic: Exploring the impact of the Flying Start programme in Wales using linked administrative data

Speaker: Tony Whiffen

Webinar 5

Date: Tuesday 17 May at 12.30pm

Topic: Evaluations of the ban on smoking inside cars with children present

Speaker: Anthony Laverty


Webinar 6

Date: Thursday 16 June at 12.30pm

Topic: Using linked administrative data to evaluate Scotland’s Baby Box Scheme

Speaker: Ronan McCabe 

Podcast also available (Baby Boxes in Finland and Scotland).

Series 1: Autumn/Winter 2021

Webinar 1

Date: Thursday 4 November at 12.30pm 

Topic: The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy – evaluating its impact on teenage pregnancy rates

Speaker: Andy Baxter

Webinar 2

Date: Thursday 9 December at 12.30pm

Topic: Childhood obesity and the impact of cuts to local government investment in Sure Start Children’s Centres

Speaker: Kate Mason

Webinar 3

Date: Thursday 13 January at 12.30pm

Topic: Using linkage of administrative data to evaluate the Family Nurse Partnership in England

Speaker: Francesca Cavallaro

Methods workshops

MatCHNet runs online interactive workshops to showcase natural experiment methods that can be used to evaluate policies in the early years. Expert speakers lead the discussion of study design, methods, and limitations. Find out more on our Methods page. 

Webinar 15